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Appeal Filed May 1st

Exhale! We are past the first hurdle, filing a notice of appeal against the siting of a Cell Tower at 8101 Slater Ave., which is located in the middle of three residential neighborhoods.

A special thank you to 90% of the Beach Villas Neighborhood, for showing support, lending your voices, your signatures, to convince our HOA and Management Association to act. Allowing one of their residents, neighbor Christina (me), to file the appeal letter (Groups), and pay the Appeal fee of $4,536, with the peace of mind that reimbursement will occur. WE ARE WAITING for a NEW PUBLIC HEARING, with the next level HB's Planning Commission.


Our Joint-Neighborhoods Next Step: Canvas your neighborhoods, find the voices of opposition, get their contact information and schedule a meeting to get together and Discuss Our Joint Neighborhood Cell Tower Opposition Response Plan (We will work shortening that later) for the Public Hearing with the Planning Commission.

Please, Join the Groups page if you want to support the Joint Neighborhood Response plan.

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